Wednesday, April 30, 2008

SFI Affiliates: Are You Missing the Boat??

I received this month's SFI newsletter and it featured links to the SFI DBoard. What an enlightening bunch of information I tripped across!

To sum it up, if you are not (1) using and promoting SFI's products; and (2) utilizing SFI's many available co-ops for building your affiliate base -- you are missing out on a potential "cash cow" in both areas!

Let me explain:

I am in the process of building some Squidoo lenses to showcase some of the TONS of products offered each month through SFI's Veriuni line of high-quality products. Check out some of the info on SFI's website about the retail end of just their cleaning products!:

Selling Tips for Natural Cleaning Products
Points to hit when selling:
1. Reduces the chances of liability from employee illnesses and reactions to toxic cleaning chemicals used within the organization.
2. Cost of disposal of toxic waste is reduced.
3. Cost is competitive or even cheaper than traditional cleaners.
4. Reduces health concerns of employees, clients, and family members.

Companies to target for Veriuni™ sales:
1. Janitorial firms, local housekeeping agencies
2. Nursing homes
3. Hotels and motels
4. Large companies in your area with a variety of cleaning needs
5. Restaurants
6. Daycare centers
7. Public and private schools
8. Rehabilitation centers and hospitals
9. Local centers of worship
10. Fitness centers

HINT: With smaller firms, you’ll probably be approaching the owner. Hotels may have a housekeeping department or a manager interested in reducing liability for employees and guests. With larger companies, you may want to contact the safety director, who will also be interested in reducing liability risks.

Steps To The Sale
1. Bring some literature telling about the product line. You can print out descriptions of the products from the Veriuni™ Website. Focus on taking care of all the cleaning needs of your prospective customer.

2. Hit them with testimonials and endorsements about the Veriuni™ products. This will show the prospective customer the legitimacy of the cleaners and the fact that they work. After all, which would you rather buy for your business or home-a no-name competitor; an expensive, toxic traditional cleaner; or the very same effective, safe cleaner being used right now (under different brand names) by various state and city government agencies, private resorts, and the National Park Service?

3. Talk about the reduction of liability for the prospective customer, in terms of a safer, healthier environment for employees, clients, and the general public. Although no claims have yet gone to court over illnesses incurred by the cleaning products in a place of work, a school, or a hospital, does your prospective customer want to take that chance? For home owners and other individual customers, mention the growing scientific evidence showing the link between illnesses, diseases, and other side effects and the toxic chemicals found in most traditional cleaners.

4. Demonstrate the products. We suggest you use your 16-ounce samples as a demonstration kit to show prospective clients just how effective Veriuni™ cleaners are. Use them in your own home, experiment with different messes (grease, oil, stains, etc.), and become familiar with each Veriuni™ product. Then, have your client follow you to toughest areas to clean in the building, office, or home, or the nearest bathroom, where you can demonstrate the glass cleaner on the mirrors, for example. Or, pick a spot on the carpet and use the Enzyme Stain Remover to clean the stain. Mention that this product will also take care of pet odors (important for hotels that accept pets), grass stains, blood-any organic-based stain.

5. Ask the customer how many products they’d like to buy. Be sure to tell them that they have nothing to lose and everything to gain by trying Veriuni™. Mention the price comparisons, the money they could save, and the reduced liability risks. If they still have their doubts, mention the fact that they could purchase the sample pack to give the Veriuni™ cleaners a try. You may also want to consider pre-ordering the Veriuni™ sample packs to sell to prospective customers, especially home owners and others with a variety of cleaning needs.

Possible Objections From Prospective Customers
Healthcare Facilities
Objection: Many hospitals, nursing homes, and other healthcare facilities have a strict focus on using the most stringent, extremely harsh disinfectants available.
Possible Response: Although these cleaners work, the toxins contained within them could actually cause more problems, such as allergic reactions, illnesses, and breathing problems among employees and patients, than they solve. Moreover, the price, as well as the disposal costs, can be quite high. You could also mention that The University Medical Center at Hackensack, N.J.-the seventh largest healthcare facility in the nation-is now on board the Veriuni™ bandwagon (under a different brand name), and scientific evidence continues to mount about the possible side effects of toxic chemicals. Consequently, healthcare facilities across the country are re-examining their attitudes toward traditional cleansers.

Other Clients
Objection: The customer has tried “green” products in the past, only to discover they did not work effectively and/or were too expensive.
Possible Response: Point out that the very same cleaners now being marketed under the Veriuni™ brand name have been proven in tests by the EPA, the City of Santa Monica, and others. Veriuni™ has competed head-on with a variety of green and traditional cleaners and has consistently performed better and more effectively than competing products. Consequently, Veriuni™ products are sold and used all over the country by individual consumers, restaurants, hospitals, and janitorial companies, as well as anyplace where keeping the environment and the facilities clean are absolutely essential. You may also want to refer to the Veriuni™ testimonials (available at this site).

Objection: The customer is content with their current green or traditional product and sees no reason to switch brands.
Possible Response: Focus on health concerns for clients, students, employees, etc., particularly on the reduced risks of liability resulting from using green products. Mention Veriuni™’s endorsements and testimonials, as well as price comparison chart. Ask your prospective client what they really have to lose by switching to a proven, effective cleaner that is safer for their employees than traditional cleaners. Perform a demonstration of Veriuni™ in action.


And to build your affiliate base for those long-term, residual income benefits [EA's, are you listening?], check out these co-op choices which I personally have used to build to my 600+ member base!:

First there's Jeff Casmer's SFI/PIPs coop. (If you aren't familiar with PIPs, go here now to get acquainted with multiple income streams....

And Mal Keenan, another top affiliate and veteran of SFI has a quality co-op that I've had amazing results from through his SFI Elite website.

Questions? NEVER hesitate to comment or email me at

Proud to be your sponsor --

Melissa Burton

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Internet Marketing: Are You Willing to Travel?

I live in the United States, right outside our nation’s capital, Washington, D.C. There are a lot of different ways to get to New York City from here. If you have the money, you can book a first-class ticket on several different airlines and be there in no time flat. For a little less money, you can purchase a seat on a train and it will take a little longer, but you’ll see more sights along the way. For even less money, you can take a bus. Maybe you would prefer to drive your own car. If you’re in really great shape, you can run, walk or bicycle and still get there.

My point is if you want to get to New York badly enough, you will find a way to get there, if you just have the nerve to leave your house and go! Ask for directions, visit travel websites, talk to people who have made the trip, and surely you will find the right way to reach your destination.

Starting a home business is exactly the same – if you have the desire to be your own boss, you can do it.

But when you take that trip to New York, you realize you are taking chances. Your plane may be delayed, your bus could break down, you may even get lost. It could end up costing you more money than you had intended to spend. When you get there, you may not like the hotel room you have reserved. The food may not be good in the restaurant you choose. Are your fears of not having a perfect vacation bigger than your desire to see the Big Apple?

Some people just resign themselves to working for someone else for their whole life. They think they’re too old to learn new things. They fear posting their photo on the internet, and will only submit articles under assumed names. They are afraid to tell their friends or their spouse that they want to pursue a career in internet marketing. They are unwilling to step outside their comfort zone. Worse yet, they make promises to give up on their internet business on a designated date if they haven’t succeeded.

These are the same people that join Success University because they are enticed by the compensation package, and quit before ever taking a course. They have never watched a movie or read a book about someone who has succeeded in business and thought to themselves, “I can do that.” They commit to SFI, but never upgrade to EA.

Folks, let me dispel any myths. If your heart won’t leap when you get an email saying you have a new affiliate, or if you have no desire to jump for joy when you receive your very first check for less than $10, this is not the business for you. You not only must have the ability to get back up when you fall just like a toddler learning to walk, but you also must have really huge dreams. You must be able to see yourself as a success, and have the confidence to show off your website to your family, and put your trust in people you may never meet in person. Internet marketing just isn’t right for just everyone.

Do professional athletes insist on guarantees that they will never be injured? Do they expect to set records without ever working out? No. So right now, you need to decide what kind of legacy, what amount of inheritance even, you are going to pass down to your children and grandchildren. Then you must determine that you are going to do whatever it takes to secure it.

Then join me. You will be a welcome member of my team, and I will always be willing to help. Because if you succeed, I succeed. Nobody ever learned to drive a car by pulling over and stopping every time they hit a bump in the road. It’s as simple as that.

Do you have the heart of an athlete?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Your Desire to Succeed

First, allow me to introduce Mariesophie Zamy, are team's newest Executive Affiliate -- CONGRATULATIONS Mariesophie, and welcome to the residual income team!!

When I read this blurb by Mike Dillard, I thought about those of you building teams who are staving off the nay-sayers who constantly bombard you with negative reminders that 95% of all marketers fail:

The Real Reason People Quit...

On the surface this may seem like a very simple question that could be answered by a few of the typical/obvious answers:

They quit.
They didn't plug in.
They didn't participate.


What you want to ask yourself, or maybe even know about yourself, is WHY...

WHY didn't they follow through, while others do?

When I finally learned the answer to this question last week listening to a CD in my MLM university (aka, my truck), it was quite sobering...

Not only did the reason behind their results come into the open, but the reason for my recent spat of success became apparent as well.

So what's the answer?

Why do most people fail when a select few succeed?

Drum roll please...

Those who do succeed have a Core Desire to do so.

Those who don't share that same Core level of desire will not.

"Desire... Ya Mike I've already heard that 100 times from my upline: 'Just look for people with desire and you'll do great... Yada Yada Yada... Everyone I talk to has the desire to make more money. It hasn't made any difference so far."

And you're right.

The difference is in their level of desire.

The only time anything ever gets done in your life - When you follow it through to completion with a sense of urgency, is when you desire to accomplish that task at Core Level of 100 on a scale of 100.

You must accomplish it. It's a part of you. It consumes you.

It dominates your thoughts above and beyond anything else each day and all day.

These are Core desires, and the people who achieve notable success in network marketing, have that accomplishment as a core desire.

That's it.

That's the secret.

If attaining your goal, whether it be to pay off your credit cards, buy a house, save for retirement, or fire your boss, is not a core desire, and not attached to your networking business, you will not succeed. Period.

The sad truth, is that most people in this industry did not buy a business, they bought hope.

And hope is never backed by true desire.

Hope is for the undecided.

A career in network marketing (i.e. a boss free life), has been a core desire of mine for the last 7 years.

I've moved across the country because of it. I've taken certain jobs because of it. I've dated or not dated because of it. I spent money on training instead of furniture because of it.

The desire to never work for anyone else again has been a dominating force in my life, and it's the reason I didn't quit after the first 6 years of hell. It's the reason I continued to pour every spare cent I ever made into my business. It's the reason I pawned a $3,000 bike I won two state championships on to buy advertising - and came up empty.

Yet I kept going forward without doubt because I have this core desire at a level of 100 to succeed in networking.

And this means my success was 100% guaranteed. It was no longer a matter of IF, but when...

So that's why people you sponsor quit.

Don't get frustrated. 80% of people who join you will never sponsor more than 1 rep or customer. Most people simple don't have the desire at a level of 100 to accomplish their goals through their new business. They just bought hope in order to quiet that little voice inside them that keeps nagging them to make a change.

Once they buy the business, and they don't make $1,000 in 5 days, they can then justify their fear of change with the "logic" that it just "didn't work", and that they knew it was a scam to begin with... This is especially true with opportunity seekers, which is why I don't waste my money on leads and why you shouldn't either.


So sad, yet so true. People are funny aren't they?

So my question to you is...

What is your desire level to achieve your goal through network marketing?

Is it at 50? (like most people)

Is it at 80? (not enough)

Is it at 90? (not enough)

Or is it at 100? (The only number that WILL produce results).

You should be able to tell pretty quickly...

What do you do each day to build your business? How many books on the industry do you own? How many conference calls are you on each week? How many people do you talk to about your business/product each day?

What would you be willing to give and sacrifice to succeed?

I hope the answer to that questions is "whatever it takes", because I can promise you the end result is worth the sacrifice.

So how can you tell if your prospect is going to succeed or fail from the very first phone call?


Ask them this question: "So which books are you currently reading on self-development and marketing?"

Anyone who is TRULY serious about being a successful entrepreneur will be able to name at least one book they are reading right now.

Those who can't, are just kidding themselves."

SO, HAVE YOU sponsored one person today??

The choice is yours....

Success University
Plug In for Profit
Reverse Funnel System

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Gifts for Our Team Members!!

First, I want to make sure each of you download and read these two short but info-filled e-books and share them with your friends and associates:


These are thanks to Mal Keenan, one of the wonderful mentors I work with in the PIPs Power Group.

I'm pleased to say the ARTICLE DIRECTORY I host through my home page is really growing rapidly, and now has over 2800 articles submitted by over 1100 authors! I hope you'll take the time to read through some of these and even submit some of your own. There is a ton of valuable information in the areas of home business, writing, internet marketing and so much more....

And once again, a huge
CONGRATULATIONS to all of you, but especially:

EILEEN LEROUX upgraded to Executive Affiliate!

TERRY SIMPSON, Executive Affiliate, who added 4 more members to his team!

JOY ODA, Executive Affiliate, added 6 more members to her team!

ROSEMARY BROWN, Executive Affiliate, added 9 members to her team!

CANDY ST. CLAIR, Executive Affiliate, added 5 more members to her team!

JERRY MILLER, ANDI FAIZAL and KATHLEEN FARRAR, who each added a member to their team!!

This is how we grow and succeed...
Please feel free to email me at with any questions or concerns you may have about the SFI program, and feel free to leave your comments and suggestions here for me or for your fellow SFI Team One members! : )

Proud to be your sponsor --
Melissa Burton