Monday, November 24, 2008

A gift for my awesome team!!

Melissa here...

I just came across this cool new free
ebook and I thought maybe you could
benefit from it too.

It's called Internet Marketing Success
Formula and it's a step by step guide
to making money online.

You can download it for free here:
Internet Marketing Success Formula

Anyway I just read it and I'm very excited
about all the stuff I'm going to start
implementing in my business. I also bought
the one time offer, it was such great value.
Be sure to check it out

Have a great day,

Melissa Burton
Internet Marketing Success Formula

Monday, September 8, 2008

"The Twitter Report" - Summary, Review, & How To Get Your Free Copy...

I just finished reading a new report by Walter M. Prorok Jr. and Chris Vendilli. Inside this report Walt & Chris talk about the in's & out's of configuring your Twitter account along with some free third party services to maximize your traffic & exposure.

I was skeptical at first, but after reading through the whole report and watching a couple of the videos available at their website I must say, I'm beyond impressed.

These two guys have been silently attracting visitor after visitor to their sites using Twitter, and they've created a step by step guide so that anyone can replicate their ideas & systems.

Yes, that's right, it's another "system." Most of us, as marketers, have pretty much come to recognize the word "system" as overused and often incorrectly placed. But, with "The Twitter Report" and the videos that follow, this stuff really is formatted into what you could correctly label a "system" at it's finest.

Walt & Chris have uncovered every known tip & trick for setting up your Twitter account to give you maximum return per tweet, while keeping everything on auto-pilot as much as possible. They leave nothing to question and go pretty in depth.

Most of the stuff they cover includes many things you could likely figure out on your own, however, this report can save you the time & aggravation of having to go through trial and error while you make the same mistakes they've already made for you, & neatly documented along the way.

Why waste time, energy, and money trying to figure it all out on your own when you could just see how it all worked out for them and simply follow their suggestions, which are already proven to work successfully?

After reading the report and watching some of the videos I give two enthusiastic thumbs up, and I recommend it to anyone who wants to stay on the cutting edge of this new wave of communications & hyper-connectedness.

You'll learn how to configure your settings, which 3rd party sites to join & how to set them up to run campaigns automatically, and much more.

I'm sure you'll enjoy "The Twitter Report" as much as I did and you can go check it out here:

Get Your Free Twitter Report Now

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Congratulations are in order!

Team member Sue Six is Team One's NEWEST EXECUTIVE AFFILIATE! As always, we like to give a backlink to our dedicated team members by addinga link here on our blog home page -- please see it to the right.

I hope you'll all leave a comment encouraging Sue...this kind of dedication ensures she will be a HUGE success within the SFI family.

Remember, whether you are an EA or still an affiliate on our team, I am ALWAYS available to you to assist with whatever concerns and guidance you may need to help your home business grow. This is the best time of year to upgrade, just as the "slow" summer months in internet marketing are ending, and people all over the world decide, like us, to pursue their dreams of financial freedom as an entrepreneur.

If you have not had a chance to take a look at my new group of SFI lenses on Squidoo, this is a great way to promote your business, and best of all it is FREE. I've used it successful to pursue a number of niche markets, and my Success University business and my article directory.

In fact, while you are getting established, I have found it is a GREAT way to make extra income on the internet. My little Squidoo lens building has grown by leaps and bounds lately, mostly with the help of the Warrior Forum family.

If you have not yet joined the Warrior Forum, it is an invaluable FREE source of information and encouragement for your internet marketing pursuits.

Here are my lenses, some on the SFI (and Plug-In for Profit) opportunity, some on products offered through SFI -- and your comments are welcome:

Start a legitimate home internet business TODAY -- Here's how!
What is Eye Earn?
Affordable Health Insurance
Home Biz Gurus Best Kept (Until Now) Secrets Unleashed!
Stone Evans, the Home Biz Guy
Home Internet Business Simplified
An Incredibly Successful Home Business Entrepreneur
Purjava Concentrated Coffee
Fight Cancer and Eliminate Body Fat With Conjugated Linoleic Acid

Again, CONGRATULATIONS SUE, and as always, I have transferred a couple of new affiliates under you to help jumpstart your own team.

If any of you did not receive an invitation to receive our team newsletter or did not click the link to confirm that you wanted to receive it, you may be missing out on important updates! Email me at and I will send you another link right away....

To our success!


Sunday, July 27, 2008

New Program Within SFI That Is Creating TONS of Excitement!

In case you haven't kept up with the latest news within SFI, they have recently announced a program that could be the one thing keeping many aspiring home business owners from being able to commit to leaving their "9-5" job in favor of working from the comforts of their own home: the availability of affordable health insurance benefits.

This is also an incredible opportunity to expand your own affiliate base by promoting and reaping the benefits of providing such a wonderful service to other entrepreneurs!

Please be sure you check out my new informational lens on Squidoo here: IAB Health Insurance for complete information on the program and its benefits!!

Your comments are, as always, welcome!


Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Last Word On The Plugin Profit Site

The following is a wonderful article submitted to my article directory by Ioannis Mitrou, which gives a very detailed account of the PIPs program that I highly recommend to all SFI affiliates:

"Here is a question you can consider when you're looking at starting your own Internet marketing business. How long should a business opportunity be online before it's considered legitimate? In this article we want to talk about the last word on the Plug-in Profit Site and why it is still a good opportunity today.

The Plug-in Profit Site has now been on the Internet for over five years. That can be a lifetime for a startup Internet business, but it has continued to improve and become a better opportunity today than it even was back when it was started in 2003.

The reason for this is because it offers Internet-based products that provide value to its customers. You are able to launch six income streams in less than 24 hours with your own website and e-mail marketing newsletter.

When we say these are Internet-based products we mean that you can buy and sell directly on the Internet. Some of these provide information instant access, and others offer true physical products that do require shipping.

The Plug-in Profit Site is an affiliate program that is comprised of affiliate and network marketing programs. Therefore it is free to join, and the only cost is to pay for website hosting, purchase a domain name if you do not have one, and join one program for one month.

One of the true benefits of the PIPS program is the tremendous back end training that offered. They have a forum that is part of one of the oldest Internet marketing forums today known as the Warrior Forum.

Within the plug-in profit site forum you're able to offer answers to questions as well as ask questioned yourself. If you choose not to participate in the discussion, you can sit back and just read and learn.

You're also given access to the Warrior Forum where you can go and learn about other ways to make Money on the Internet as well.

There is also access to training written by Stone Evans, the founder of the Plug-in Profit Site known as "30 Days To Success." This is some of the things that Stone personally has done to build his income into a seven-figure income per year in the last 10 years.

The Plugin Profit Site is here to stay and no longer has to prove itself to anyone. It is a good opportunity for people to get started in the work at home niche and learn how to do Internet marketing from there."

FOR MORE INFORMATION on this program, download a free copy of Dotcomology, The Science of Making Money Online!


Sunday, June 29, 2008

How To Make The BIG Money In SFI... FAST!

Yes! Finally!
What you will read here is what you've been waiting for and wanting to know!
It's my gift to you. Use it or lose it!

You CAN quickly make all the money you want by properly using SFI's amazingly easy, efficient, and effective system.

I know that SFI's money-making system works. I know how it works. And I can show you exactly what to do. I'll even help you get there.

For as long as it takes you to begin making money, I'll stay with you.
And I'll work with you too, helping you from now on to continue making BIG money with SFI.

***I'm an Executive Affiliate soon to become a Bronze Team Leader***.
I possess the knowledge and the experience that you need to have, having blazed the trail to successful leadership.

All you're required to do, to obtain the same success I and many other leaders have, is to follow the simple path that SFI has already provided for you, and go down the path that I'm now laying out for you, in detail, here in this document.

1) First, you must become an Executive Affiliate, and you need to remain an EA every month. Just figure out how to do it. Then do it!
If you want to succeed in SFI, and I'm sure you do, this part is absolutely essential and mandatory! Do not neglect it or minimize its importance!

Why is this? Because if you never set yourself up for EA status now, you'll probably never make the really big money that you can get from SFI.

But, never fear! Never say never. Becoming EA is easy! An absolute no-brainer it's so simple to do. You can even be EA for free! How about that!

All it takes for you to be EA is for you to produce at least ten (10) Sales Volume Points (SVP) every month by retail sales or personal purchase of any of SFI's products and services, the ones that appeal to you. It's totally your choice how you become and remain EA.

Any combination of SVP that you want to produce that adds up to a minimum of 10 SVP, or more, will also do the trick.

Here's a good way! Replace what you now buy elsewhere and instead get it from SFI. Your 10 SVP is "free" - no extra out-of-pocket expense.
SFI's International Association of Home Business Entrepreneurs (IAHBE) is another excellent, and very inexpensive, way to become and stay EA.

Or use SFI's products and services yourself. Check out the quality. Compare the true cost with other vendors. You'll be sold and can sell easily.
Then, let others know what you know... that SFI has the best products and services available. They'll see your enthusiasm and buy from you!

Even better, they may like what they get from SFI so much that they will join SFI as your latest and greatest personally sponsored affiliate!
Newest and best too... because they purchased from you. Follow up with these folks often! Because they definitely have an interest in SFI.

2) Secondly, you need to become a Team Leader, sponsoring a minumum of just five (5) EAs, and you should do this as soon as you can.
Don't worry about this or be concerned. Team Leader status can be very simple and easy to accomplish too. And quicker than you may think.

So, let's see. How can advancing to Team Leader be done?
Here's something very important that I recommend highly that you do now, today!

Sign yourself up for SFI's EyeEarn Advertising Network. For only $20, plus shipping, SFI will mail you an advertising kit. The kit contains a T-Shirt, banners and bumper stickers to place on your car, and other advertising materials. This kit allows you to advertise the network as you go about your daily activities. Hands off, every month that you remain qualified for EyeEarn, you'll be getting free affiliates and free money!

As a participant in the EyeEarn Network, you'll start receiving new affiliates personally sponsored in your name and extra income in your monthly commission as an extra benefit. These new affiliates that EyeEarn gives you, plus any others you produce yourself, will become your source for potential new Executive Affiliates. As Personally Sponsored Affiliates (PSAs), they'll be your pool of affiliates from where your new EAs will come.

3) Now all that's left for you to do is this final action: Let all your PSAs see this document - often... the document that you're reading now.
And it also might be good, even quite helpful, to find out from them what they want in return for becoming the newest lucky EA on your team.

Ask them! Find out what it is! Give to them whatever they want, such as a gift certificate, an incentive, or other convincer that you can come up with to convert them. If you have extra PSAs, reassign some of them to your PSAs who demonstrate interest to you. This works very well.

However, simply reading this document may be all that your PSAs need to convince them to promote themselves to Executive Affiliate status.

You can either copy this document and send it to your PSAs, or you can refer them to the URL address of this SFI Discussion Board thread.
You'll find the document URL address in your browser address bar. Look there now. Copy and save it. You'll be able to send folks to it easily.

Keep on with this process. Advise your EAs to also keep on with this process. They will follow you and use this process... because it works!
They will become Team Leaders like you, in profit, will remain active Team Leaders, and you each definitely WILL make BIG money with SFI.
Take any, or all, of these actions, and you're well on your way to becoming a wealthy and respected Team Leader, one who SFI values highly.

Provided, of course, that you and your PSAs do what it takes to rise to leadership in SFI to ultimately get all the rewards that SFI gives you.

HINT #1:
It's better to build deep instead of wide so that you produce the highest possible income. This means that the Team Leaders on your team need to produce Team Leaders just like you're producing Team Leaders, following your example, building deep.

If all you and they do is produce EAs, in other words building wide, you and your EAs will not make as much money.

HINT #2:
Produce as many EAs every month as you can! This is vitally important! Be sure to stress its value to all your EAs.
You each will make the most money possible with SFI, because SFI pays you double when you sponsor more than one EA in any one month.

HINT #3:
Don't sit back and do nothing. That guarantees you WON'T make money! Set goals. Be active. Do something every day to reach your goals!
What you have with SFI is a business, not a job! You're the Boss! You make the decisions! You, and only you, get it done!
As Gery Carson, President and Founder of SFI says, "IF IT IS TO BE, IT IS UP TO ME!"

And guess what - that's exactly how Gery got where he is today!
Follow his example, and mine, and you WILL profit with SFI!
DO THIS! It's how every leader in SFI has done it.

===>>> Here's more valuable information, and some very good advice from successful affiliates, that may be useful to you <<<===

How To Get Your First Affiliate And First Sale! (in 2 parts)

How To Be An Executive Affiliate (EA) And Get EA Upgrades

Some Thoughts On Goals... Enhanced

Retailing SFI's Product And Services - Learn To Earn

Begin your SFI Business here... Top 10 Threads for Getting Started quickly


Email me at or leave your comment here!!


P.S. Follow these links for my residual income, cash-producing recommendations:
My Home Page
Most Proven, Lucrative Home Business in 50 Years
Systems Don't Fail, PEOPLE Fail
6 Automated Income Streams in Just 24 Hours
Let me build your Squidoo lens quickly & cheaply!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Make the Leap to Affiliate Marketing Success

Copyright © Stone Evans, The Home Biz Guy

If you are going to become a successful affiliate on the
Internet, you need 3 "intangibles." These are things that
must come from WITHIN you.

===> Intangible 1 <===

First, you must have a strong WHY.

Why must you make affiliate marketing work? What is driving
you? What is it that you CAN'T have in your life anymore
and/or what is it that you absolutely MUST HAVE now?

For me, I couldn't stand working 12+ hours a day anymore
and missing the experience of my children growing up. I also
absolutely HAD TO HAVE the freedom of being able to control
my life and finances through a little box that I could carry
with me anywhere in the world and not be tied to anyone's
time pressures or demands but my own. That was my carrot and
my stick. I felt a great pain deep in my gut of missing out
on my children's lives and the incredible freedom that
succeeding in this business would provide for me. I found my
why. You MUST find yours.

===> Intangible 2 <===

You must BELIEVE that it is possible.

If you don't believe that it's POSSIBLE for you to make
money with affiliate programs or make your living on the
Internet, you won't. It's that simple.

For me, figuring out that it was possible was just a matter
of realizing that many other people were ALREADY making
great money online. If they could do it, I could too. It
would just be a matter of figuring out what those people
were doing and then adapting it to my situation.

There is no shortage of undeniable PROOF that people
(millions of them) are making money online with affiliate
programs. Just get online and do some research and you'll
find countless testimonials and stories of REAL PEOPLE
making real money on the Internet. Or head to your local
bookstore and you'll find the same documented evidence of
this fact. Truth is, it's getting easier and easier to make
money online with affiliate programs.

I've always said that "affiliate marketing" is the job of
the future. In the "old" days, you had to go to a
potential employer, apply for the position and hope for the
best. Now you can simply go to any company you want, fill
out their affiliate application and start work immediately.
Affiliates are the new working class. Believe me, making
money with affiliate programs or making your living on the
Internet is WAY MORE than possible. It is pretty much (or
will be soon enough) unavoidable now. Affiliate marketing is
the "job" of the future that's already here TODAY.

===> Intangible 3 <===

You must be willing to MAKE THE LEAP.

Ready, FIRE, then aim... This is the operating philosophy
you MUST adopt to succeed with affiliate marketing.

That's backwards for most people who like to aim before
they fire. The fact is the Internet is a moving target...
The only thing constant about it is change. You need to stop
analyzing the game and simply jump into it. You can't learn
from the outside... You have to be IN THE RING to truly
understand it.

The lesson here is that you will never really be READY to
start an affiliate marketing business. You simply have to
start one. This is what I call "Making the Leap."

The good news is that the cost of failure on the Internet is
very small. In the "brick and mortar" world you need to
evaluate things very carefully before you decide to open up
a business. It's almost always necessary to invest
thousands of dollars to get an offline business off the
ground. However, on the Internet you can often start a
successful business for less than $100. The Plug-In Profit
Site is a great example of this as you can see here:

You simply need get IN THE GAME... Each moment that you stay
"out there," you're wasting valuable time that you could
be learning and skills necessary to become a successful
affiliate marketer. In fact, if you're not in the game yet,
you're ALREADY behind the times. Make the leap to becoming
a successful affiliate marketer today!

Stone Evans, The Home Biz Guy helps ordinary people all over
the world make money online with affiliate programs. If you
can follow 3 easy steps, you can get your own custom
website, autoresponder (email follow-up software) and
pre-written email marketing campaign professionally designed
and installed and ready to pull in profits for you in 24
hours or less! See details at:
Stone Evans on Squidoo

Thursday, June 12, 2008

How to Make Money With SFI

Today's topic is a subject most of our affiliates
are VERY interested in:

Again From The Desk of Gery Carson, President SFI
Marketing Group


Before we get started with the "how," let's
establish a very important fact: There's no such
thing as "get rich quick." However, there IS huge money
to be made on the Internet...IF you know
the secrets.

SFI has become the world's largest marketing
network precisely because we've put these
secrets in the hands of our affiliates. More
importantly, we've delivered them in a
revolutionary, Internet-based vehicle that allows
you to not only KNOW the secrets, but also put
them to work for you quickly, simply, and in a way
where everyone wins.

Let's talk about what those secrets are now, and
how you, Melissa, can join the tens of
thousands of SFI affiliates around the world
earning commission checks every month.

THE ANTI-WEALTH PLAN Though painful to say,
most people go through their entire life on what I call
the Anti-Wealth Plan. Others call it the "40/40/40" plan.
That is, work 40 hours a week for somebody else for
40 years and retire with $40 in the bank.

That's a bit of an exaggeration of course, but the
United States Social Security Board reports
that 85 out of 100 Americans reaching age 65 don't
possess as much as $250. And only 2% are
self-sustaining (the rest dependent on family,
church, or the government)!

The main problem with a typical job is that when
YOU stop, the money stops!

MAKE SURE you understand this: If you ever want to
acquire real wealth, you're not going to
get there trading hours for money.

The rich of the world have known for many decades
that If you want financial freedom, you
MUST tap into:


RESIDUAL INCOME is income that keeps coming in
month after month, year after year, from
work you do just ONCE. It's like a royalty. An
example would be writing a book or recording
a song and getting paid forever on it. Wouldn't it
be absolutely awesome to have that?! With
SFI you can! Keep reading.

LEVERAGED INCOME is earning money through other
people's efforts. There are only 24
hours in a day. Hence, there's only so much you
can earn through your own efforts.

With SFI, you can earn "override" income when
affiliates you've referred to SFI refer other
affiliates to SFI...and when your affiliate's
affiliates refer other affiliates...and so
on...literally TO


The fact is, by simply referring a few affiliates
to SFI you can eventually have hundreds, even
THOUSANDS of affiliates, putting money in your
pocket around the world...and around the

Our program is actually so good at doing this,
that our legal counsel won't even let us disclose
what our top earners make because the amounts are
just too high!

Bottom line: With SFI, not only can you earn
"do-it-once, get-paid-forever" residual-style
income, you ALSO can earn Leveraged Income on the
sales of THOUSANDS of other affiliates!

Of course, there are many other reasons why SFI is
considered one of the smartest and most
rock-solid opportunities available today:

1. It's made for busy people --as few as 5 hours a
week can gradually be parlayed into a
full-time income.

2. It doesn't interfere with your current job,
profession, or career because you set your own

3. You can build your business with nominal or
even no out-of-pocket costs.

4. No previous business experience needed. Our
extensive Internet training programs allow you
to earn as you learn.

5. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with working
with one of the industry's most successful
and proven organizations, a 16-year-old
multi-million dollar corporation and longtime
member of the Better Business Bureau.

6. Accounting, payroll, shipping all handled for

7. No employees necessary.

8. Work totally from home, from your computer.

9. Free professional consultation.

10. No ceiling on what you can earn.

11. Huge potential tax benefits.

12. No territorial restrictions, no borders, build
a business stretching from one end of the planet
to the other.

And the list goes on...

Somebody recently said that SFI is "like pristine,
undeveloped land stretching on for miles and
miles under a blueberry sky!"

I agree! The potential of the Internet is bigger
than anything in man's history and no company
has aligned itself better than SFI.

If SFI is on its way to becoming a multi-BILLION
dollar global giant as many believe, then
many of our affiliates are truly millionaires in
the making. And whether you believe it or not
right now, there's no reason why you can't be one
of them.

Proud to be your sponsor,
Melissa Burton

Legitimate Home Internet Business Site

6 Automated Income Streams in 24 Hours

Most Lucrative, Proven Business in 50 Years --
Educate Yourself

Friday, June 6, 2008

Just wanted to share an article I just wrote for Associated Content

Are You Serious About Wanting Financial Freedom?

So here's the deal -- you have heard all the Internet hype and you want to be "financially free." You want to get out of the "rat race." Every day, you go through the same miserable routine: roused by an obnoxious alarm clock at a brutally early hour, just to rush out to your gas-guzzling automobile and sit in traffic, alongside the other "beasts of burden" you call your business associates.

At the end of a day spent with no time to call your own you return to your refuge -- the home you can barely afford -- exhausted and pointlessly drained -- with just enough time to wash and iron your uniform or suit for the next day of much the same.

Do you ever feel like you are just existing, rather than actually living?

Do you have any control at all over your income? Can you decide when to begin and end your working day? Better yet, who chooses when you take a vacation, or when you even get to spend quality time with your family and friends? Maybe your spouse works outside the home too. Have you considered what you are missing while some stranger raises your children in your absence?

And though you may have the material things you need, do you have any of the things you want, like a few little extravagancies?

There is one thing you can be sure of: life is indeed short. When your time on this Earth is over, how will you be remembered? As a person who slaved away, day after day, for a paycheck, taking on extra hours and responsibilities to build an inheritance for your family by following "an exhausting routine that leaves no time for recreation"? Sorry, pal, but that is the definition of "Rat Race," and it leads to troubled families, employment burnout and, all too often, an early grave.

I'm not here to make you feel bad. Chances are, if any of this hit home, you are feeling bad enough already. So what is the answer?

The answer is it is time to take control of your future, by breaking your current cycle of trading hours for money. Instead, leverage your available time to create income streams that are not capped by an employer or by the amount of time you have in a single day. Do you REALLY want financial freedom? Do you REALLY want to get out of the rat race?

Then take the first step on your path to financial freedom. Do it today. The best place to learn how to do this is to immediately begin modeling yourself on the people who have successfully achieved this very step and more. But, it is time to go back to school.

You are never too old to go back to school. It is never too late to show your children that you are committed to building their inheritance, and that they too can control their life, their time, and their future. Success University is the school for anyone, at any age, and at any walk of life, to begin again.

With Success University, you can have access to the most influential teachers in every single area of personal growth and business success, ready to hold your hand and guide you to that path to real financial freedom.

Seriously, there is no need to go looking for just the right affiliate program, then looking for guidance on marketing, then looking for motivation to continue your journey when confusion sets in, then guidance on how to resolve your financial needs. One stop shopping -- that is the true key to financial FREEDOM. A complete education, a scam-free opportunity, training, support, it is all there, waiting for you . . . and your family.

I will be there, the sponsor and support you. So send me some pictures of the family, okay?

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Can You Really Plugin The PIPS Program and Make Money?

The PIPS affiliate program was started by Stone Evans in the fall of 2002. It stands for the Plugin Profit Site and contains several elements that make it a great way to get started making money. But the real question is can you just plug it in and make money on auto pilot?

I will answer that right here and now!

The two main components on PIPS is you get your own money making website and email newsletter set up for you for free. All you do is pay for website hosting and an activation fee for Empowerism, which you can cancel in the second month if you like.

PIPS contains very good products and programs that are ready to go once you complete the sign-up process. They are placed on your website and contain all of your i.d. numbers for you.

Many affiliate programs use replicated websites. This is a website that is exactly like everybody else has. That is a problem when you are competing with thousands of other affiliates to make a sale.

With your own Plugin Profit Site you get to choose your own domain name which is one thing that is different. You also host it yourself so you can make any changes to it as you see fit in the future.

Out of the box the website is not completely search engine friendly and is one thing you should consider doing. Another thing is starting and hosting your own blog. This is important for future website content.

PIPS offers a tremendous training program called "30 Days To Success" as well as access to a members only forum where you can interact and learn from other members. This is helpful for your ongoing training.

As a starter program PIPS is very good and you can make sales starting in your first day if you know how to market on the internet. Most people do not so you will have to learn how to get traffic to your website.

This is a factor in the success of any internet based business and is the number one problem people trying to make money online face. You get a head start by having your own website and newsletter set up for you. This allows you to focus on learning the marketing strategies you will need to become a success with this program.

So again we ask, "can you really plug in the PIPs program and make money?" As you can see the answer is yes and no. The website and newsletter contain money making programs, but how you use them is up to you. That is what makes the Plugin Profit Site successful.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Need Your Input Right Away....

Let's have some fun....

Spring is a time of celebrating new growth.

Today is Thursday, May 15. Our team has been busy adding affiliates to their downlines, promoting their websites and/or gateway sites and several have upgraded to EA.

So between today and May 31, midnight (EST) it's PICK YOUR PRIZE.

Any affiliate who upgrades to Executive Affiliate will get their choice of (1) having a Squidoo site built for them (your choice of topic, G-Rated!); (2) having their own blogsite built for them on Blogspot; (3) 5 new affiliates placed in their downline; (4) a $20 SFI gift certificate added to their account; or (5) an internet marketing article written, published and syndicated with their name and website/gateway info. Your choice....

And any affiliate, EA or otherwise, who adds an affiliate to their downline, I will match them one-for-one.

So, for example, if you upgrade to EA and add 2 affiliates to your downline, I'll place a total of 7 affiliates in your downline.

I'll keep you all updated via our team blog, here. Come grow with us!!

Be sure to send me your questions/comments/concerns -- I'm here to help! Shortly I'll be publishing an e-book on the best methods of promoting an SFI business, and growing your downline.

Speaking of that, if you haven't gotten your free TrafficSwarm account, go to, and for a free additional income stream sign up for Take the Internet Back at

Reminder: you can hear a pre-recorded overview of Success University, the company that taught me everything I know about internet marketing, 24-Hours/Day, 7 Days/Week at (212) 461-2595.

Melissa Burton

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

SFI Affiliates: Are You Missing the Boat??

I received this month's SFI newsletter and it featured links to the SFI DBoard. What an enlightening bunch of information I tripped across!

To sum it up, if you are not (1) using and promoting SFI's products; and (2) utilizing SFI's many available co-ops for building your affiliate base -- you are missing out on a potential "cash cow" in both areas!

Let me explain:

I am in the process of building some Squidoo lenses to showcase some of the TONS of products offered each month through SFI's Veriuni line of high-quality products. Check out some of the info on SFI's website about the retail end of just their cleaning products!:

Selling Tips for Natural Cleaning Products
Points to hit when selling:
1. Reduces the chances of liability from employee illnesses and reactions to toxic cleaning chemicals used within the organization.
2. Cost of disposal of toxic waste is reduced.
3. Cost is competitive or even cheaper than traditional cleaners.
4. Reduces health concerns of employees, clients, and family members.

Companies to target for Veriuni™ sales:
1. Janitorial firms, local housekeeping agencies
2. Nursing homes
3. Hotels and motels
4. Large companies in your area with a variety of cleaning needs
5. Restaurants
6. Daycare centers
7. Public and private schools
8. Rehabilitation centers and hospitals
9. Local centers of worship
10. Fitness centers

HINT: With smaller firms, you’ll probably be approaching the owner. Hotels may have a housekeeping department or a manager interested in reducing liability for employees and guests. With larger companies, you may want to contact the safety director, who will also be interested in reducing liability risks.

Steps To The Sale
1. Bring some literature telling about the product line. You can print out descriptions of the products from the Veriuni™ Website. Focus on taking care of all the cleaning needs of your prospective customer.

2. Hit them with testimonials and endorsements about the Veriuni™ products. This will show the prospective customer the legitimacy of the cleaners and the fact that they work. After all, which would you rather buy for your business or home-a no-name competitor; an expensive, toxic traditional cleaner; or the very same effective, safe cleaner being used right now (under different brand names) by various state and city government agencies, private resorts, and the National Park Service?

3. Talk about the reduction of liability for the prospective customer, in terms of a safer, healthier environment for employees, clients, and the general public. Although no claims have yet gone to court over illnesses incurred by the cleaning products in a place of work, a school, or a hospital, does your prospective customer want to take that chance? For home owners and other individual customers, mention the growing scientific evidence showing the link between illnesses, diseases, and other side effects and the toxic chemicals found in most traditional cleaners.

4. Demonstrate the products. We suggest you use your 16-ounce samples as a demonstration kit to show prospective clients just how effective Veriuni™ cleaners are. Use them in your own home, experiment with different messes (grease, oil, stains, etc.), and become familiar with each Veriuni™ product. Then, have your client follow you to toughest areas to clean in the building, office, or home, or the nearest bathroom, where you can demonstrate the glass cleaner on the mirrors, for example. Or, pick a spot on the carpet and use the Enzyme Stain Remover to clean the stain. Mention that this product will also take care of pet odors (important for hotels that accept pets), grass stains, blood-any organic-based stain.

5. Ask the customer how many products they’d like to buy. Be sure to tell them that they have nothing to lose and everything to gain by trying Veriuni™. Mention the price comparisons, the money they could save, and the reduced liability risks. If they still have their doubts, mention the fact that they could purchase the sample pack to give the Veriuni™ cleaners a try. You may also want to consider pre-ordering the Veriuni™ sample packs to sell to prospective customers, especially home owners and others with a variety of cleaning needs.

Possible Objections From Prospective Customers
Healthcare Facilities
Objection: Many hospitals, nursing homes, and other healthcare facilities have a strict focus on using the most stringent, extremely harsh disinfectants available.
Possible Response: Although these cleaners work, the toxins contained within them could actually cause more problems, such as allergic reactions, illnesses, and breathing problems among employees and patients, than they solve. Moreover, the price, as well as the disposal costs, can be quite high. You could also mention that The University Medical Center at Hackensack, N.J.-the seventh largest healthcare facility in the nation-is now on board the Veriuni™ bandwagon (under a different brand name), and scientific evidence continues to mount about the possible side effects of toxic chemicals. Consequently, healthcare facilities across the country are re-examining their attitudes toward traditional cleansers.

Other Clients
Objection: The customer has tried “green” products in the past, only to discover they did not work effectively and/or were too expensive.
Possible Response: Point out that the very same cleaners now being marketed under the Veriuni™ brand name have been proven in tests by the EPA, the City of Santa Monica, and others. Veriuni™ has competed head-on with a variety of green and traditional cleaners and has consistently performed better and more effectively than competing products. Consequently, Veriuni™ products are sold and used all over the country by individual consumers, restaurants, hospitals, and janitorial companies, as well as anyplace where keeping the environment and the facilities clean are absolutely essential. You may also want to refer to the Veriuni™ testimonials (available at this site).

Objection: The customer is content with their current green or traditional product and sees no reason to switch brands.
Possible Response: Focus on health concerns for clients, students, employees, etc., particularly on the reduced risks of liability resulting from using green products. Mention Veriuni™’s endorsements and testimonials, as well as price comparison chart. Ask your prospective client what they really have to lose by switching to a proven, effective cleaner that is safer for their employees than traditional cleaners. Perform a demonstration of Veriuni™ in action.


And to build your affiliate base for those long-term, residual income benefits [EA's, are you listening?], check out these co-op choices which I personally have used to build to my 600+ member base!:

First there's Jeff Casmer's SFI/PIPs coop. (If you aren't familiar with PIPs, go here now to get acquainted with multiple income streams....

And Mal Keenan, another top affiliate and veteran of SFI has a quality co-op that I've had amazing results from through his SFI Elite website.

Questions? NEVER hesitate to comment or email me at

Proud to be your sponsor --

Melissa Burton

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Internet Marketing: Are You Willing to Travel?

I live in the United States, right outside our nation’s capital, Washington, D.C. There are a lot of different ways to get to New York City from here. If you have the money, you can book a first-class ticket on several different airlines and be there in no time flat. For a little less money, you can purchase a seat on a train and it will take a little longer, but you’ll see more sights along the way. For even less money, you can take a bus. Maybe you would prefer to drive your own car. If you’re in really great shape, you can run, walk or bicycle and still get there.

My point is if you want to get to New York badly enough, you will find a way to get there, if you just have the nerve to leave your house and go! Ask for directions, visit travel websites, talk to people who have made the trip, and surely you will find the right way to reach your destination.

Starting a home business is exactly the same – if you have the desire to be your own boss, you can do it.

But when you take that trip to New York, you realize you are taking chances. Your plane may be delayed, your bus could break down, you may even get lost. It could end up costing you more money than you had intended to spend. When you get there, you may not like the hotel room you have reserved. The food may not be good in the restaurant you choose. Are your fears of not having a perfect vacation bigger than your desire to see the Big Apple?

Some people just resign themselves to working for someone else for their whole life. They think they’re too old to learn new things. They fear posting their photo on the internet, and will only submit articles under assumed names. They are afraid to tell their friends or their spouse that they want to pursue a career in internet marketing. They are unwilling to step outside their comfort zone. Worse yet, they make promises to give up on their internet business on a designated date if they haven’t succeeded.

These are the same people that join Success University because they are enticed by the compensation package, and quit before ever taking a course. They have never watched a movie or read a book about someone who has succeeded in business and thought to themselves, “I can do that.” They commit to SFI, but never upgrade to EA.

Folks, let me dispel any myths. If your heart won’t leap when you get an email saying you have a new affiliate, or if you have no desire to jump for joy when you receive your very first check for less than $10, this is not the business for you. You not only must have the ability to get back up when you fall just like a toddler learning to walk, but you also must have really huge dreams. You must be able to see yourself as a success, and have the confidence to show off your website to your family, and put your trust in people you may never meet in person. Internet marketing just isn’t right for just everyone.

Do professional athletes insist on guarantees that they will never be injured? Do they expect to set records without ever working out? No. So right now, you need to decide what kind of legacy, what amount of inheritance even, you are going to pass down to your children and grandchildren. Then you must determine that you are going to do whatever it takes to secure it.

Then join me. You will be a welcome member of my team, and I will always be willing to help. Because if you succeed, I succeed. Nobody ever learned to drive a car by pulling over and stopping every time they hit a bump in the road. It’s as simple as that.

Do you have the heart of an athlete?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Your Desire to Succeed

First, allow me to introduce Mariesophie Zamy, are team's newest Executive Affiliate -- CONGRATULATIONS Mariesophie, and welcome to the residual income team!!

When I read this blurb by Mike Dillard, I thought about those of you building teams who are staving off the nay-sayers who constantly bombard you with negative reminders that 95% of all marketers fail:

The Real Reason People Quit...

On the surface this may seem like a very simple question that could be answered by a few of the typical/obvious answers:

They quit.
They didn't plug in.
They didn't participate.


What you want to ask yourself, or maybe even know about yourself, is WHY...

WHY didn't they follow through, while others do?

When I finally learned the answer to this question last week listening to a CD in my MLM university (aka, my truck), it was quite sobering...

Not only did the reason behind their results come into the open, but the reason for my recent spat of success became apparent as well.

So what's the answer?

Why do most people fail when a select few succeed?

Drum roll please...

Those who do succeed have a Core Desire to do so.

Those who don't share that same Core level of desire will not.

"Desire... Ya Mike I've already heard that 100 times from my upline: 'Just look for people with desire and you'll do great... Yada Yada Yada... Everyone I talk to has the desire to make more money. It hasn't made any difference so far."

And you're right.

The difference is in their level of desire.

The only time anything ever gets done in your life - When you follow it through to completion with a sense of urgency, is when you desire to accomplish that task at Core Level of 100 on a scale of 100.

You must accomplish it. It's a part of you. It consumes you.

It dominates your thoughts above and beyond anything else each day and all day.

These are Core desires, and the people who achieve notable success in network marketing, have that accomplishment as a core desire.

That's it.

That's the secret.

If attaining your goal, whether it be to pay off your credit cards, buy a house, save for retirement, or fire your boss, is not a core desire, and not attached to your networking business, you will not succeed. Period.

The sad truth, is that most people in this industry did not buy a business, they bought hope.

And hope is never backed by true desire.

Hope is for the undecided.

A career in network marketing (i.e. a boss free life), has been a core desire of mine for the last 7 years.

I've moved across the country because of it. I've taken certain jobs because of it. I've dated or not dated because of it. I spent money on training instead of furniture because of it.

The desire to never work for anyone else again has been a dominating force in my life, and it's the reason I didn't quit after the first 6 years of hell. It's the reason I continued to pour every spare cent I ever made into my business. It's the reason I pawned a $3,000 bike I won two state championships on to buy advertising - and came up empty.

Yet I kept going forward without doubt because I have this core desire at a level of 100 to succeed in networking.

And this means my success was 100% guaranteed. It was no longer a matter of IF, but when...

So that's why people you sponsor quit.

Don't get frustrated. 80% of people who join you will never sponsor more than 1 rep or customer. Most people simple don't have the desire at a level of 100 to accomplish their goals through their new business. They just bought hope in order to quiet that little voice inside them that keeps nagging them to make a change.

Once they buy the business, and they don't make $1,000 in 5 days, they can then justify their fear of change with the "logic" that it just "didn't work", and that they knew it was a scam to begin with... This is especially true with opportunity seekers, which is why I don't waste my money on leads and why you shouldn't either.


So sad, yet so true. People are funny aren't they?

So my question to you is...

What is your desire level to achieve your goal through network marketing?

Is it at 50? (like most people)

Is it at 80? (not enough)

Is it at 90? (not enough)

Or is it at 100? (The only number that WILL produce results).

You should be able to tell pretty quickly...

What do you do each day to build your business? How many books on the industry do you own? How many conference calls are you on each week? How many people do you talk to about your business/product each day?

What would you be willing to give and sacrifice to succeed?

I hope the answer to that questions is "whatever it takes", because I can promise you the end result is worth the sacrifice.

So how can you tell if your prospect is going to succeed or fail from the very first phone call?


Ask them this question: "So which books are you currently reading on self-development and marketing?"

Anyone who is TRULY serious about being a successful entrepreneur will be able to name at least one book they are reading right now.

Those who can't, are just kidding themselves."

SO, HAVE YOU sponsored one person today??

The choice is yours....

Success University
Plug In for Profit
Reverse Funnel System

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Gifts for Our Team Members!!

First, I want to make sure each of you download and read these two short but info-filled e-books and share them with your friends and associates:


These are thanks to Mal Keenan, one of the wonderful mentors I work with in the PIPs Power Group.

I'm pleased to say the ARTICLE DIRECTORY I host through my home page is really growing rapidly, and now has over 2800 articles submitted by over 1100 authors! I hope you'll take the time to read through some of these and even submit some of your own. There is a ton of valuable information in the areas of home business, writing, internet marketing and so much more....

And once again, a huge
CONGRATULATIONS to all of you, but especially:

EILEEN LEROUX upgraded to Executive Affiliate!

TERRY SIMPSON, Executive Affiliate, who added 4 more members to his team!

JOY ODA, Executive Affiliate, added 6 more members to her team!

ROSEMARY BROWN, Executive Affiliate, added 9 members to her team!

CANDY ST. CLAIR, Executive Affiliate, added 5 more members to her team!

JERRY MILLER, ANDI FAIZAL and KATHLEEN FARRAR, who each added a member to their team!!

This is how we grow and succeed...
Please feel free to email me at with any questions or concerns you may have about the SFI program, and feel free to leave your comments and suggestions here for me or for your fellow SFI Team One members! : )

Proud to be your sponsor --
Melissa Burton

Friday, March 14, 2008

6 Reasons People Fail No Matter What Work At Home Business Opportunity They Choose

Words of wisdom submitted by Rich Ramalho to my article directory.

Do you know why so many people fail when they start a work at home business opportunity? There are many people that have started a home business online and have been very successful with it.

The difference between the people who fail and the people who succeed no matter what home business they are promoting, is that the successful people know why others fail and they take steps to avoid the same thing themselves.

Here is why so many people fail no matter what work at home business opportunity they choose to promote.

One: Education - Too many people ignore this and they end up failing. You have to educate yourself about starting a home business and what it takes to make it successful.

It sounds complicated and it can be if you don't know anything about it. You can easily overcome this problem by learning everything you need to over a period of time. you will soon find yourself succeeding where others are failing if you learn one thing at a time.

Two: Too many people get online looking for a get rich quick home business. There is no such thing. This is one thing you have to realize because if you are looking for this then you will fail every time.

Three: People tend to jump around from one work at home business opportunity to another without taking the time to make the first one successful. When you have a home business you have to choose one or a couple of opportunities and stick with them until they are successful. Only then should you add others if you want to.

Four: This is a big reason that people fail. It doesn't matter if you have all of the knowledge in the world about how to make your home business successful if you don't take action and use that knowledge then you will always fail. You have to make sure you take action every day, even if it is only something small.

Five: Another reason people fail with a work at home business opportunity is they do not have enough patience. To become successful will take your business some time. This is just a fact that everyone has to deal with and accept. The more effort you put into your business the faster you will see results.

Six: Many people never set goals which is very important with a home business. Believe it or not but setting goals can help you become very successful because they help to keep you focused and working to make your business successful. Plus, they allow you to see what you have accomplished already and what you are aiming for next.

These are the six reasons why so many people fail no matter what work at home business opportunity they choose. You can avoid all of these now that you know them and make your business very successful.


Monday, February 25, 2008

What a Banner Week for Our Team!!

Congratulations are in order for SO MANY of your fellow team members:

Jagadesh Chandran - for his upgrade to Executive Affiliate!!!

Terry Simpson, also an EA, now showing 41 members in his own downline!

Joy Oda has added 7 members to her downline!

Christine Primm has added 5 members to her downline!

Alexander Brooks has added a member to his downline!

Candy St. Clair has added a member to her downline!

I hope you'll all leave your comments here for your fellow members on how you were able to achieve these successes and any pointers you'd like to share.


Thank you, and I am honored to be your Sponsor!!!!

To our success,

Melissa Burton

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I Want to MAKE SURE Each Member of My Team is Making Money!

Send me an email RIGHT NOW and let me know where your trouble spots are:

Do you have your free TrafficSwarm account?

Have you clicked on the opt-in link sent to you for my email series?

Have you been reading some of the great articles on home business and internet marketing in's Article Directory?

Here's a good article sent in by Pasi Kaarakainen called The Top Free Internet Marketing Methods To Help You Generate Traffic:

"There is no question that marketing is one of the most crucial facets to your internet business. Without the proper marketing campaign it is extremely difficult to run a functional business. Traffic generates sells which helps keep the business alive. Despite what many believe, there are a number of free internet marketing methods that are just as effective as paying top dollar for advertising.

One of the best free internet marketing you will find is posting in forums. There are thousands of forums spread all across the internet. And the great thing about it is there are forums specifically made for certain niches allowing you to talk with people that have the same interests. This will make it much easier to focus on a target market as oppose to talking with people that have no interest whatsoever.

Once you get into forums you have the ability to build relationships and gain trust from people. If you can offer fresh and enticing information, people will notice your expertise and be more than willing to see what your business has to offer. You can also promote various sales or new products your site has within the forum itself.

Similar to posting in forums, setting up your own blog can be extremely beneficial as well. By having your own blog you can lead the way and start the topics. Having a blog allows you to easily refer people to your web site right from your blog. But it can also be a way for you to open up to customers and show that you are not all about business. Relationships are key to having success on the internet.

Maybe the best free internet marketing methods is writing articles. The obvious benefit of writing articles is putting your expertise out for display. Once you have a fully written article you will want to submit it to as many article directories as possible. The more directories you submit the article to, the better chance you have of people seeing it. Then you want to place your web site link within the resource box to direct readers straight to the site.

Lastly, link trades are a little old fashion but remain a great way to get free marketing. Link trades involve you exchanging your link for someone else's link. In return of you placing their link on your site, they place your link on their site. The more backlinks you have pointing to your site the better. It is vital, though, that you only exchange links with a web site that has a page rank equal to or higher than yours in order for you to benefit.

Regardless of what others may think, you can benefit greatly from free internet marketing. Using the methods from this article will allow you to generate a large amount of traffic while bringing in a great deal of money."

I look forward to hearing from you!!

Honored to be your sponsor --

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Incredibly Valuable FREE Information

If you haven't visited my home business article directory yet, here's a sampling of what you're missing:

* The Successful Home-Based Business
* Google - I Thought I Knew You?
* Achieve Wealth For You And your Family
* Work at Home - Internet Marketing Business Opportunities Are Not a Soft Option
* 5 Ways to Attract Clients Immediately
* Online Millionaire - Could It Be You?
* The Importance of Website and Blog Statistics Tracking
* New MLM Techniques
* How to Advertise Your Internet Business Without Spending Much Money
* The Business Opportunity Secret The Gurus Can't Afford You to Know
* 8 Home Business Success Tips - Set Up Your Business for Success
* Daily Tasks for Affiliate Marketers
* The Mind of a Network Marketer
* What is Network Marketing?
* Important Features to Look for in Affiliate Programs
* How to Turn Your Internet Marketing into a Huge Success From the Start!
* What is the Best Home Business to Start
* Work From Home - What You Need to Know
* Start Marketing Online today
* Online Internet Businesses: Work at Home!

Are you getting the idea? Tons of authors, loads of tips and tricks, links to websites for more information, answers to your questions!

And the articles here are not just on internet marketing, but also hugely useful information on writing, publishing, the Internet, and even business information on such crucial topics as identity theft, writing a last will and testament, resumes, interviewing, establishing business and personal credit, dealing with customers, computer supplies and office equipment, home inspections, software, and so much more.

So, start or continue your education now -- go to's Home Business Article Directory and see for yourself.

And, as always, your comments are welcomed.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Take Quitting Off the Table

You know how much I love to quote the mentors in Success University. Here's this week's words of inspiration from George Morse:

"The key to making a strong and lasting commitment is to take the option of quitting off the table. When you are faced with obstacles and looking for solutions to overcome them, you will end up with several options to choose from. For most people, giving up is always an option (they won’t admit that, but it’s true.) The bottom line: people frequently exercise the option to quit. It’s better to just take the option of quitting off the table.

About ten years into my marriage, my wife and I were having real trouble. Actually, trouble is an understatement! Even the marriage counselor told me our situation was hopeless, and she recommended we get divorced.

Feeling there was no other choice, I filed for divorce. It was the worst time of my life. My failing business didn’t seem very important compared to the prospect of losing my family, and there didn’t seem to be anything I could do to save either one. I had almost completely given up (about ready to fail my commitment test) when my mother gave me a little advice; a few simple, but powerful words that not only saved my marriage, but had a major impact on all areas of my life. My mother told me how at one point, in her marriage of forty years, my father and she were arguing frequently. The subject of divorce came up often, until it seemed they couldn’t have a disagreement without mentioning divorce. I asked her how they overcame the problem, and her answer was simple. She told me that both of them knew they did not want a divorce. They loved each other and desired to stay together, so they decided to stop throwing divorce on the table as an option. Once they stopped considering divorce as an option they had no other choice but to find ways to get along and find solutions to their problems.

My wife and I followed my mother’s advice to take divorce off the table as an option, and it has made all the difference in our marriage. It has been more than ten years since we reconciled our differences, and as I write this, our 20th Wedding Anniversary is only one month away. Sure, we’ve had our share of arguments along the way, but we’ve worked through them together and found solutions that worked. Quitting was no longer an option.

In my business I have applied this same understanding of commitment, and the results have been amazing. The turning point in the success of my business was made the day I took quitting off my table as an option. I scribbled out the last line of my plan that said, “…and if this doesn’t work I can do something else.” I no longer considered finding a different job, selling the business, or filing for bankruptcy as possible solutions to my business woes. Instead of spending valuable time and energy on new exit strategies, I began to focus that energy on the development of new and innovative ways to succeed. As a result, I began to find solutions and grow the business.

Today when I encounter problems, quitting is no longer an option. I only consider options that bring me closer to the realization of my vision. When working with clients, I encourage them to do the same. For those of them who have embraced the concept, the results have been life changing."

TEAM MEMBERS -- TAKE QUITTING OFF THE TABLE. If you are struggling to make your business work, use the tools at your disposal through the SFI website's training, marketing and resources sections. Ask me, that's what I'm here for.

So here's to our success!

P.S. If you need the inspiration and motivation I've found through Success University and another powerful stream of income, visit Success University today!!

Friday, February 1, 2008

The Number One Question Asked By New Affiliates

"Is there any way to make earning money online less difficult?"

Here's your simple answer, courtesy of the Warrior Forum:
The Shockingly Simple Secret that Stuffs 6 (5 plus your SFI
income)Commission Checks into Your Mailbox Every Month on

This is amazing.


If you think making money online is difficult, this will blow
your mind... It's the easiest way to earn multiple streams of
income on the Internet that I've ever seen.

The power of this formula is it's simplicity.

- It takes only 3 steps to setup

- 99% of the work is done for you

- It costs less than $100 to get started, TOTAL!

- The income you generate is residual (get paid forever)

- The market for this opportunity is huge, constantly growing
and virtually untapped

- You earn 6 streams of automatic income (if one stream ever
dries up you've still got 4 checks coming in monthly...)

- No previous experience is required

Here's the deal...

The fastest growing niche market online is the massive
group of peopl looking for an easy way to make money on the
Internet. This is a multi-billion dollar industry that is
growing exponentially larger every day.

If you're not capitalizing on it, you're missing out on a ton of
money that could be yours for doing practically nothing. It's
*THE* opportunity of the century.

What you need...

You need a turn-key solution that gives this hungry group of
prospects everything they need to make money online IMMEDIATELY.

People are extremely impatient... THEY NEED IT RIGHT NOW.

If you can point them to a link that gives them everything they
need INSTANTLY (including hosting, professional website design,
pre-written autoresponder campaign, in-demand products to sell,
step-by-step marketing instructions, video tutorials and
comprehensive support all for less than $100) you'll be their
hero. In fact, you would have been by hero too when I first got
online if you showed me a solution like that...

Well, that solution exists right now and I'm making an absolute
killing from it... simply by putting a link on my website.

Here's what I did...

I followed the 3 easy steps listed on this website. It took only
15 minutes and cost me less than $50 bucks.

Once I signed up, I was given this link:
which was coded with my affiliate ID's for 6 money-making programs,
along with a few very simple steps on how to add that link to my
website. So I added the link to my site and then forgot all about

What happened next blew my mind...

I woke up the next morning and checked my email as usual. To my
surprise, I had an inbox full of commission notifications...

Then 30 days later I received 6 checks in my mailbox.

Now these checks arrive each month like clockwork... and they're
getting bigger every single month. My jaw is on the floor!

Needless to say, I adding this link to all of my sites now.

Why it works...

It works for 2 main reasons:

REASON #1: The market of people who are looking for an easy way
to make money online with their own e-business is already
MASSIVE and it's getting bigger every day. This inexhaustible
market of potential customers is the driving force behind the
success of this formula.

REASON #2: Most people are incredibly lazy and prefer not to do
anything themselves. The creator of this service already
understands this and does everything needed to get a person's
Internet business up and running within 24 hours. The customer
doesn't have to do anything other than submit a simple form.
What would normally take someone months to accomplish on their
own can be done for them (for less than $100) in as little as 24
hours... It's brilliant!

My conclusion...

This simple system is the easiest way to earn multiple streams
of income I've ever seen...

I'm pulling in 6 (fairly large) commission checks every month now
simply because I added one new link to my website.

It's frightening to think about how much money I lost by not
knowing about this earlier!

What I would do if I were you...

If I were you I would add this link to your website as fast as
you can. In fact, I would add this link to every website you
own. And if you have a blog, newsletter, ebook or anything else
I would add it to all of those too.

By tapping into the largest online market of all and linking to
a service that feeds on most people's tendency toward laziness,
you can make an absolute fortune for doing almost nothing.

You can get your link now by following the steps listed here:

Simply sign up, get YOUR link, add it to your website and start
earning 5 additional new streams of automatic income right away.
It doesn't get any easier than this.

If you don't have a website already...

If you don't have a website already, DON'T WORRY. You'll get one
of those too when you sign up through the link above.

You also get a step-by-step "30 Days to Success" Internet
marketing action guide that will put you on the fast-track to
profits with this turn-key system for automatic profits.

Everything has already been thought of and done for you... All
you need to do is "plug-in"... and profit!

Enjoy the EASY extra income this system brings you.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Only 5 More Days Available To You

In the next 5 days, if you haven't already, you need to:

1. Upgrade to Executive Affiliate.
* Instant Residual Income and a guaranteed commission check (Executive Bonus) every month!
* Retail sale commissions double from 30% to 60%!
* You'll lock in your valuable position in the SFI companywide Powerline—earn ongoing income on everyone under you in the Powerline!
* Boost your residual income with lucrative (50%-200%) Executive Matches!
* As an EA, you can enjoy wholesale prices—saving you up to 56%—on SFI's most popular products!
* FREE access to SFI's most powerful, VIP business-builder tools like Co-op Manager, Hit Tracking, Eagle Co-op, Key Codes, and more!
* FREE group messaging. Send messages, newsletters, training articles, etc. to your entire organization (or any segment of) with just one click.

2. Join the Eye Earn co-op to increase your downline.
In case you haven't yet heard, the EyeEarn Co-op is fully operational and already generating signups for those who ordered their starter kits in December. Also, and your EyeEarn Gateway for EyeEarn Direct is now live.

If you missed our previous announcements, EyeEarn is SFI's new global ad co-op. For a one-time investment of $20 (for an EyeEarn Starter Kit), you can start receiving a monthly share of affiliate signups worldwide, plus a share of all revenues from our shopping center,, a portal to major, name-brand online stores!

In addition to being the coolest co-op we've ever offered, EyeEarn also represents a fantastic new way to DIRECTLY recruit affiliates and build residual income.

Full details on EyeEarn and MaxMalls are online at:

I also recommend you read all the FAQs here:

or get additional information on my Squidoo lens, Be an Eye Earner, at:

And when you're ready, here's the link to order your own starter kit:

and, finally,

3. Check out the Internet Income Course Guide on the SFIMG main website.
Need help setting up your Internet-based business? Internet Income is the answer! SFI's exclusive course series by George Little provides step-by-step instruction and help in plain English on how to start and run a profitable online business. New courses added each month!

Go now to:


Sunday, January 20, 2008

Stop What You're Doing Right Now...

...and go to Warrior Forum.

Every single internet marketer should be a member. Period.

Everyone on that site has been where you are right now, whatever stage of the business you are in. Whether you're in your very first day as an SFI affiliate, or you've been on my team from the beginning; whether you're a PIPs member and you have your own website, or whether you're trying to figure out how to promote your SFI gateway: it doesn't matter! Join the entries there.

The Warrior Forum is a FAMILY and they will help you. Every question you could possibly have will be answered in a completely comfortable atmosphere.



Wednesday, January 9, 2008

SFI Tip and Win Drawing

Rules and Details:
Win a new Apple iPod Shuffle MP3 player and other cool prizes just by dropping
by the SFI Resource Center daily. Each time you log in, you get another entry in
the drawing!!
For more details, see the Rules below.

Simply login each day to the SFI Affiliate Resource Center at and
click the "Tip and Win" banner displayed on your home page. You can submit a new
drawing entry once a day to increase your chances of winning...You must enter
the drawing a minimum of once a week to be eligible to win.


Details: Time to mix things up. With a 1 GB (up to 240 songs) storage capacity,
the sleek, lightweight iPod Shuffle takes you on a unique journey through your
music collection — you never know what’s around the next tune. Features Apple's
touch-sensitive The controls on the iPod shuffle feel as intuitive and easy to
use as those on every iPod model. Play, pause, skip, repeat, shuffle and hold at
the touch of a thumb: The circular, ergonomic controls and one-click slider make it simple to listen
without looking. Comes with built-in USB connector and Apple earphones.

RUNNER-UP PRIZES: 4-Channel Wireless Intercom

Details: Communicate anywhere in your home or office with this wireless
intercom! It installs in seconds and features four channels, channel LED
indicator, FM frequency modulation for low noise and reduced interference, and
volume control. Also has buttons for call, talk, and lock. Includes two

Drawing Rules:
To be eligible for the drawing, affiliates must log into the SFI Affiliate
Resource Center ( AND click the official "Tip and Win" banner
displayed in the right navigation bar at the Website.

Minimum entries to qualify for drawing is one per week. Affiliates may submit
drawing entries a maximum of once per day.

Drawing is open to current SFI Affiliates ONLY. Drawing participants who remove
themselves from the SFI affiliate program prior to the drawing for that month
will be disqualified.

Winners will be drawn from the previous month's entries on or about the 5th of
each month. One grand-prize winner and two runner-up prizes will be awarded each

Each winner can win a maximum of one prize per month.

SFI employees or family members of employees are not eligible to participate in
the drawing.

In the event that the prize offered is unavailable, SFI reserves the right to
substitute prizes of greater or equal value to the drawing winner. SFI is not
responsible for the quality or performance of drawing prizes.

Monday, January 7, 2008


Happy New Year!

2008 has arrived, and what a year we think it's going to be! 2007 was a VERY strong year of growth for SFI, so we have substantial momentum going into 2008. And, of course, we've now added two powerful new additions to SFI: EyeEarn and MaxMalls. And that's what today's announcement is about!

As of today, the EyeEarn Co-op is fully operational and already generating signups for those who ordered their starter kits in December! and your EyeEarn Gateway for EyeEarn Direct are also now live.

If you missed the pre-launch, EyeEarn is SFI's new global ad co-op. For a one-time investment of $20 (for an EyeEarn Starter Kit), you can start receiving a monthly share of affiliate signups worldwide, plus a share of all revenues from our new shopping center,, a portal to major, name-brand online stores!

In addition to being the coolest co-op we've ever offered, EyeEarn also represents a fantastic new way to DIRECTLY recruit affiliates and build residual income.

Full details on EyeEarn and MaxMalls are online now at:

I also recommend you read all the FAQs here:

And when you're ready, here's the link to order your own starter kit:

One more thing...

I want to put out a BIG THANK YOU to all of our loyal affiliates. SFI is now in it's 10th year! During that time, we've been one of the most "trail-blazing" companies on the Internet. We've left in the dust tens of thousands of would-be competitors with an unbeatable combination of innovation, integrity, and a whole lot of hard work. We've brought in nearly 10 million affiliates and have pioneered one of the most successful and largest affiliate programs in the world. I'm very, very proud of this achievement, BUT WE COULDN'T HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT YOU. So, again, THANK are awesome!!

Here's to a fantastic 2008...

Gery Carson

P.S. I have already received my EyeEarn starter kit, so if you have any questions, email me at, or visit, a new lens I just put together!