Thursday, November 29, 2007

Challenge to My Team!!

Congratulations to our newest Executive Affiliate, Raymond Rosuman! Raymond, send me your preferred website address to post on our team blog at for a free backlink and exposure....

Team, we're growing my leaps and bounds, and I'd love to see us continue this upward trend. So once again, let's get into a season of giving:

Each new EA on our team during the next 10 days, from today 11/29 through Sunday, 12/9, will receive 10 new affiliates in their downline to get them started.

ALSO, each and every affiliate that signs on a new affiliate in their downline will receive MATCHING affiliates. So even if you're not an EA, I'll transfer a new affiliate into your downline for each person you get to join our team.

Nicole, Raymond and Grant, I'll be transferring affiliates into your downline over the next day or so, as they come in to me from the various coops I belong to.

Come on, folks, challenge me!! Make me work!! Let's all make some money this holiday season...

: )

Your proud sponsor,

P.S. If you are one of the few on the team that has not taken advantage of the free membership offered through Leisure Audio, go here now for your own store:

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Our SFI Team Has Hit a New Milestone!!!


The SFI Affiliate Center is now sporting a new and improved Getting Started section. Getting Started has a sharp new look and it's also been streamlined so that new affiliates can work through the steps and get off to a faster start than ever before. Note: So that there are fewer distractions, the sidebar is also being removed soon.

The Getting Started page is the default "homepage" for all new affiliates logging in to the Affiliate Center. It remains the default page until an affiliate becomes an Executive Affiliate (EA). Once an EA, the more-detailed and instructional PATH page becomes the default homepage (though the Getting Started page is always just a click away).

Please check out the new page at:

And if you have any suggestions for making the Getting Started page even better, please submit suggestions here:

And, as always, if you have any questions or concerns about your new business,
SFI, or our team, please never hesitate to contact me.

Honored to be your sponsor --
Melissa Burton

P.S. I look forward to more article submissions to This is a fast, easy way for free long-term
advertising for your website or gateway!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Check Out Your Sponsor's New Website!!

Please take a look at my new website, highlighting SFI and the multiple streams of income I now enjoy through my home internet business:

I welcome your comments!
Also, please remember to subscribe to this team blog (and you can subscribe to my personal home business blog as well at

NOW, While I don`t know exactly what motivated you to join, I can tell you that SFI has been independently ranked as the #1 online home business opportunity in the world for the past 4 years!

I`ll be brief because I`m sure you are busy... Try going to the following website


To make money in SFI, all you must do is use simple Internet marketing techniques set out at the sfi training site to promote one of your new sfi websites: To get off to a FLYING start please visit the sfi team resource site and view your Gateway websites:

It's very easy to learn this income system and the instructions show you exactly how to do it!

I love SFI and I imagine that you will too once you learn a little more! You can read some testimonials at:

Also, check out the new affiliate Smart Start. This will show you exactly how to get started on the right track. Check it out at:

Don't forget that SFI is a BBB member and has a 30 day 100% Money Back Guarantee if not completely satisfied with any product purchase...and all you SFI expenses are tax deductable. Please go to the following for your EA options:

Please let me know if there is any way that I can help you!

Your friend in success,

Melissa Burton
Your SFI Upline

P.S. To get the most out of SFI.. join IAHBE today at:

P.P.S. For more help and support see our sfi resource training site:

Monday, November 19, 2007

Don't Quit Before the Blessing!

Dream. Write your dreams down. Cut pictures out of magazines and post them all over your room or your office. Set goals and action steps to accomplish those dreams, no matter how far fetched they may seem.

Breaking dreams down to their smallest elements and figuring out to accomplish them is not only mentally challenging, but (and stay with me here, give this some serious thought) also a great cure for depression. Think about it: goals, dreams, even everyday challenges like how to get the kids everywhere they need to go and get the house cleaned up and the shopping done in time for the holidays can easily seem overwhelming. But if you make a list, delegate responsibilities and cross out the things that take time but won't help you accomplish your tasks you CAN see achievement.

Business is exactly the same way. Dream BIG. I'm an internet marketer. I have hundreds of affiliates, most of which I know will fail. It makes me so sad. Why? Because it took me over a year before I was able to start celebrating those $2, $5 and $7 checks that were coming in. They mean IT'S WORKING! You put in a minimum of effort, you don't try to get help, you don't get the basic knowledge you need, and you will still see results. You reap what you sow: small returns.

But in my second year when I was really struggling financially and I had tried probably 50 different affiliate programs and joined every traffic exchange, wasting hours and hours each day (sleep is so overrated) surfing through other people's ads I realized something: I was actually reading some of the ads. I was actually signing up for some of the newsletters. I was reading the mail from my sponsor(s).

Folks, there are always going to be new people coming into your chosen field with that fresh excitement (heaven forbid they are looking for the "get rich quick scheme" -- and personally whoever came up with that phrase should be punished severely), but they are looking for a hand to hold. They are searching for a life line out of their current situation, a cure for their depression, and they WILL celebrate those $2 checks when they come in. Because they know it is just the beginning, and they GET IT.

Celebrate those people, even if you have to fish through hundreds and hundreds of affiliates and affiliate programs to find them. And for heaven's sake, keep sending emails, keep making phone calls, keep in touch with everyone on your team. Because one day, a year from now, a light may just come on in one of your affiliates' minds that says "She did it, she will help me, and I can do it." And all of a sudden you'll get a response; you'll get a post on your team blog, and you'll know -- you've found the next YOU, and you'll know exactly how to guide that lucky team member.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Congratulations to team member GRANT VISSER!!

Our team's newest EXECUTIVE AFFILIATE!

Way to go, Grant -- send me your preferred website to post on our team blog for free traffic to your site and a backlink. (If any of our EA's have not sent me their gateway or website address, please do so now....)


Thursday, November 15, 2007

Secret to Success in this Business

...very, very simple: multiple streams of income.

1. You will NOT be able to live on your SFI income when you first start out (especially if you have not upgraded to an Executive Affiliate yet, which I do not understand).
2. You need to keep it as simple as possible to avoid being overwhelmed. This system is all set up for you. Follow the step-by-step instructions, and begin making money IMMEDIATELY.
3. You need guidance. You need an education. You need support. All this is provided with these recommended programs.

Just go here right now and stop failing, PERIOD: Plug-In-Profit System

I've just given you the keys to the kingdom, the very best advice a sponsor could possibly, ever give a team member, and I hope that all 480 of you will take me up on it. If you are not making an income in one month, email me, I GUARANTEE YOUR SUCCESS!!


And remember, there's a reason why our team is TEAM ONE!!


Monday, November 12, 2007

Words of Wisdom

This was submitted to my article directory recently, written by Robert Shiloh, and I think it pretty much sums up the basics of a successful internet marketing business -- the goal of each and every one of us!!

"It really isn't that hard to make money on the internet. You only need to ensure that you have 4 ducks in a row to pull off immense profits online. You can do more than these 4 things, but not less if you want your internet business to succeed. Let's identify the necessary protocols to have in place and you might be shocked as to just how easy it is.

1. You need a product or service. Let's assume you have a product. Your product should do one thing. It needs to satisfy or fulfill a persons or companies need or desire. Less is typically more when it comes to a website, so you should highly consider offering only ONE product per website or web page. More choices means more confusion. If you have ten products at ten different prices, your potential customers may become indecisive and buy nothing. Offering choices gives the illusion of empowering the buyer, but why not offer one product with optional features? Maybe offer a product that comes in different colors, or has upgrade options. This way they are only focusing on one thing, not ten or twenty. All wealthy marketers know this.

2. You need a market. In fact, you need a LARGE market. If your product has a market for only a few hundred people, your in big trouble. For a good example, let's look at the home business industry. It is a $400 billion dollar a year market. Google alone receives 10 million search requests a month for starting a home business. If you could get just 1% of the home business market, you would be a billionaire. The good news is you don't even need 1%, just get a piece of it and you could be extremely successful. A wealthy Marketer know to make sure his market is HUGE and attainable before ever even trying to sell something online

3. You need a website. Don't even think about getting an affiliate template or cookie cutter website. It will kill you in the search engines. Why? Because duplicate content never gets indexed and never gets listed in the search engines. You must have a website that is original, straight forward and easy to navigate through the pages. The website must be properly optimized for the search engines so that it will get the time of day it hopefully deserves. The website must also be properly meta-tagged with the right keywords. This will help ensure that the right kind of traffic comes to your website. Most importantly, your website must convert a certain percentage of visitors into sales. Wealthy marketers are relentless to make their websites perfect, because you never get a second chance to make a good first impression.

4. Drive traffic. You must drive visitors to your website on a consistent basis if you expect to make sales. When you approach the search engines the right way, it costs nothing but time to get indexed and appear in their search pages. Most people do not know how to do this and end up at the mercy of Cost Per Click campaigns. This is usually NOT the way to go, and can break you faster than a slot machine in Vegas. Wealthy marketers know how to drive traffic very inexpensively to their websites, so that when they do make a sale they are in the black, not the red.

There you have it. In a nutshell these 4 things will ensure your success with any internet business. Most people can find a product or service to market online, and they can even stumble upon a large market. 95% fail because they do not follow through properly with steps 3 and 4. Cover your bases and do the time and research before launching your business. Do things the right way and avoid shortcuts at all costs. Focus on these 4 protocols to internet success, and you may find that you too have become a wealthy marketer."

For recommendations on succeeding in any of these steps, never hesitate to contact me at!!


Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Make the Leap to Affiliate Marketing Success

Copyright © Stone Evans, The Home Biz Guy

If you are going to become a successful affiliate on the
Internet, you need 3 "intangibles." These are things that
must come from WITHIN you.

===> Intangible 1 <===

First, you must have a strong WHY.

Why must you make affiliate marketing work? What is driving
you? What is it that you CAN'T have in your life anymore
and/or what is it that you absolutely MUST HAVE now?

For me, I couldn't stand working 12+ hours a day anymore
and missing the experience of my children growing up. I also
absolutely HAD TO HAVE the freedom of being able to control
my life and finances through a little box that I could carry
with me anywhere in the world and not be tied to anyone's
time pressures or demands but my own. That was my carrot and
my stick. I felt a great pain deep in my gut of missing out
on my children's lives and the incredible freedom that
succeeding in this business would provide for me. I found my
why. You MUST find yours.

===> Intangible 2 <===

You must BELIEVE that it is possible.

If you don't believe that it's POSSIBLE for you to make
money with affiliate programs or make your living on the
Internet, you won't. It's that simple.

For me, figuring out that it was possible was just a matter
of realizing that many other people were ALREADY making
great money online. If they could do it, I could too. It
would just be a matter of figuring out what those people
were doing and then adapting it to my situation.

There is no shortage of undeniable PROOF that people
(millions of them) are making money online with affiliate
programs. Just get online and do some research and you'll
find countless testimonials and stories of REAL PEOPLE
making real money on the Internet. Or head to your local
bookstore and you'll find the same documented evidence of
this fact. Truth is, it's getting easier and easier to make
money online with affiliate programs.

I've always said that "affiliate marketing" is the job of
the future. In the "old" days, you had to go to a
potential employer, apply for the position and hope for the
best. Now you can simply go to any company you want, fill
out their affiliate application and start work immediately.
Affiliates are the new working class. Believe me, making
money with affiliate programs or making your living on the
Internet is WAY MORE than possible. It is pretty much (or
will be soon enough) unavoidable now. Affiliate marketing is
the "job" of the future that's already here TODAY.

===> Intangible 3 <===

You must be willing to MAKE THE LEAP.

Ready, FIRE, then aim... This is the operating philosophy
you MUST adopt to succeed with affiliate marketing.

That's backwards for most people who like to aim before
they fire. The fact is the Internet is a moving target...
The only thing constant about it is change. You need to stop
analyzing the game and simply jump into it. You can't learn
from the outside... You have to be IN THE RING to truly
understand it.

The lesson here is that you will never really be READY to
start an affiliate marketing business. You simply have to
start one. This is what I call "Making the Leap."

The good news is that the cost of failure on the Internet is
very small. In the "brick and mortar" world you need to
evaluate things very carefully before you decide to open up
a business. It's almost always necessary to invest
thousands of dollars to get an offline business off the
ground. However, on the Internet you can often start a
successful business for less than $100. The Plug-In Profit
Site is a great example of this as you can see here:

You simply need get IN THE GAME... Each moment that you stay
"out there," you're wasting valuable time that you could
be learning and skills necessary to become a successful
affiliate marketer. In fact, if you're not in the game yet,
you're ALREADY behind the times. Make the leap to becoming
a successful affiliate marketer today!

Stone Evans, The Home Biz Guy helps ordinary people all over
the world make money online with affiliate programs. If you
can follow 3 easy steps, you can get your own custom
website, autoresponder (email follow-up software) and
pre-written email marketing campaign professionally designed
and installed and ready to pull in profits for you in 24
hours or less! See details at:

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Congratulations to each of you for your commitment

Congratulations to this week's Smart Start graduates Ehab and Onyedika. AND A VERY, VERY SPECIAL congrats to Nicole Perry, our team's newest Executive Affiliate!!!

(Nicole: be sure to send me the website or gateway you'd like to have displayed on this blog!!)

Some words of wisdom from SFI's top affiliate, Stone Evans, from his guide "30 Days to Success":

"The fact is many people drop out as soon as they realize there is some work involved in building an Internet business. I don't really know why that is... People are willing to work their butts off for the guaranteed pay (however small it is) of a regular job, but some aren't willing to work toward building a business and achieving financial freedom.

But you are different and I applaud you for that.

I'm different too.

When I got online and decided that I was going to make my living from the Internet, I personally committed myself to doing whatever it takes. Just as I stated on the Plug-In Profit Site sales page: "I stayed up learning, working and drinking coffee until 5:00 in the morning month after month filled with the hope of making money online. There were days when I'd come home late from my job, start working on the Internet, and work the entire night without going to sleep — and then go back to work the next day."

That story is exactly true for me and I personally believe that it's this level of commitment that is necessary for anyone who wants to break through and succeed with an Internet business - the Plug-In Profit Site, SFI, or anything else.

Do you have that level of commitment?

In fact, it wasn't until I was in a "sink or swim" situation until my Internet business really took off. I was in the restaurant business. I owned the restaurant, but the reality of the situation was that the restaurant owned me.

I was the "Chief Cook and Bottle Washer" which basically means I did everything from prepare the food to serving customers, to washing dished to mopping floors... I could never take a vacation because if I did, the restaurant would go out of business. It couldn't operate without me and I couldn't operate without it.

The restaurant was the thing that was keeping myself and my family afloat financially, but I was no better off than someone tied down to a job. I felt trapped, but I was determined to find a way out. That's when I read Robert Allen's "Multiple Streams of Income" book and decided that I was going to find a way to build a business online.

So I started working part time (in every spare minute) on figuring out how to make money with affiliate programs. Over time, I started figuring things out and making some money through many of the methods outlined in previous pages of this guide, but it wasn't until my landlord for my restaurant space told me that they weren't going to renew my lease that I really broke through the the next level.

I was losing my restaurant location and I had a major life choice to make. I was earning a few thousand dollars a month from the Internet, but it wasn't enough to replace my restaurant income or provide for my family. I had to decide between moving my restaurant to a new location, getting a job "for the man" or sitting at home and completely figuring out how to make this business work so that it could be the sole financial provider for my family.

Obviously in writing this, I chose the latter. It was actually an easy decision. I was following my one true passion at the time. My dream of being able to control my financial destiny through a little box (laptop) that I could carry with me anywhere in the world was too alluring to pass up. I had the opportunity to go full force for my dream and I grabbed it.

In those 30 days after losing my restaurant, it was either make this business work and go broke trying.

This is the sink or swim situation I was in and that I needed to make the necessary psychological shifts to succeed.

In those first 30 days of going full-time online, I multiplied my online income 5 times. In the 90 days that followed, I doubled that. In the years since, my income as continued to grow exponentially.

But it's this sink or swim mentality that defines my success and the success of many who make it in this business.

You must eliminate the option of failure.

There is a famous story of Hernando Cortes that goes something like this:

"Hernando Cortes had a plan, he wanted to lead an expedition into Mexico to obtain its many treasures. He presented his plan to the Spanish governor, who was so excited that he gave him eleven ships and seven hundred men. Cortes did not tell the men or the governor the complete plan. After months of travel the eleven ships landed in Veracruz. Cortes had the men unload everything from all eleven ships. As they headed into their new adventure the men turned back and saw all eleven ships burning! Their reaction was to fight back, as surely an enemy had initiated such an attack. Cortes halted the men, as this was in his plan, he had ordered the ships to all be burned. Cortes did not know what he and his men would encounter in their expeditions. What he did know was that by "Burning the Ships" he had completely eliminated their option of going back. At the same time creating an intensely powerful motivation to succeed."

You must burn your ship(s) if you are going to succeed in this business.

What ship(s)? Most likely your current job.

I'm not saying you need to quit, but whatever it is that you are holding onto for security is keeping you mentally unprepared to pursue your Internet business with the full vim and vigor necessary for you to succeed on a high level.

Internally, you must find a way to burn your ships of security and start relying on your Internet business as if it is the ONLY thing you've got.

Read that last line again. And again. And again...

THIS is the secret to success in this business or any other.

As soon as you make this internal shift, you will unlock forces inside you for growing and succeeding in your business that will surprise everyone - including yourself.

Likewise, if you cannot burn your ships of security, those same forces that exist inside you right now and which can set you free immediately will remain dormant and unable to carry you to the extraordinary life you dream of.

This is something no marketing technique I can teach you can do for you. It's something that must come from within you, and if it doesn't, no marketing technique I can teach you here will make a bit of difference.

Examine my words on this page and then examine yourself and your commitment to this business carefully.

Do you have what it takes? Are you as committed as you must be? Can you burn your current ships of security and do everything it takes to build new ones?

These are the central questions that must be answered by you and you alone which will determine your destiny in this business. Nothing is more important than this.

To be entirely honest, if you aren't willing to burn your ships of security right now, you might as well pack up shop immediately because this business will be nothing more than a hobby for you - and hobbies are money pits.

If however you are absolutely committed to making this business work, it is time for you to continue your journey.