Sunday, June 29, 2008

How To Make The BIG Money In SFI... FAST!

Yes! Finally!
What you will read here is what you've been waiting for and wanting to know!
It's my gift to you. Use it or lose it!

You CAN quickly make all the money you want by properly using SFI's amazingly easy, efficient, and effective system.

I know that SFI's money-making system works. I know how it works. And I can show you exactly what to do. I'll even help you get there.

For as long as it takes you to begin making money, I'll stay with you.
And I'll work with you too, helping you from now on to continue making BIG money with SFI.

***I'm an Executive Affiliate soon to become a Bronze Team Leader***.
I possess the knowledge and the experience that you need to have, having blazed the trail to successful leadership.

All you're required to do, to obtain the same success I and many other leaders have, is to follow the simple path that SFI has already provided for you, and go down the path that I'm now laying out for you, in detail, here in this document.

1) First, you must become an Executive Affiliate, and you need to remain an EA every month. Just figure out how to do it. Then do it!
If you want to succeed in SFI, and I'm sure you do, this part is absolutely essential and mandatory! Do not neglect it or minimize its importance!

Why is this? Because if you never set yourself up for EA status now, you'll probably never make the really big money that you can get from SFI.

But, never fear! Never say never. Becoming EA is easy! An absolute no-brainer it's so simple to do. You can even be EA for free! How about that!

All it takes for you to be EA is for you to produce at least ten (10) Sales Volume Points (SVP) every month by retail sales or personal purchase of any of SFI's products and services, the ones that appeal to you. It's totally your choice how you become and remain EA.

Any combination of SVP that you want to produce that adds up to a minimum of 10 SVP, or more, will also do the trick.

Here's a good way! Replace what you now buy elsewhere and instead get it from SFI. Your 10 SVP is "free" - no extra out-of-pocket expense.
SFI's International Association of Home Business Entrepreneurs (IAHBE) is another excellent, and very inexpensive, way to become and stay EA.

Or use SFI's products and services yourself. Check out the quality. Compare the true cost with other vendors. You'll be sold and can sell easily.
Then, let others know what you know... that SFI has the best products and services available. They'll see your enthusiasm and buy from you!

Even better, they may like what they get from SFI so much that they will join SFI as your latest and greatest personally sponsored affiliate!
Newest and best too... because they purchased from you. Follow up with these folks often! Because they definitely have an interest in SFI.

2) Secondly, you need to become a Team Leader, sponsoring a minumum of just five (5) EAs, and you should do this as soon as you can.
Don't worry about this or be concerned. Team Leader status can be very simple and easy to accomplish too. And quicker than you may think.

So, let's see. How can advancing to Team Leader be done?
Here's something very important that I recommend highly that you do now, today!

Sign yourself up for SFI's EyeEarn Advertising Network. For only $20, plus shipping, SFI will mail you an advertising kit. The kit contains a T-Shirt, banners and bumper stickers to place on your car, and other advertising materials. This kit allows you to advertise the network as you go about your daily activities. Hands off, every month that you remain qualified for EyeEarn, you'll be getting free affiliates and free money!

As a participant in the EyeEarn Network, you'll start receiving new affiliates personally sponsored in your name and extra income in your monthly commission as an extra benefit. These new affiliates that EyeEarn gives you, plus any others you produce yourself, will become your source for potential new Executive Affiliates. As Personally Sponsored Affiliates (PSAs), they'll be your pool of affiliates from where your new EAs will come.

3) Now all that's left for you to do is this final action: Let all your PSAs see this document - often... the document that you're reading now.
And it also might be good, even quite helpful, to find out from them what they want in return for becoming the newest lucky EA on your team.

Ask them! Find out what it is! Give to them whatever they want, such as a gift certificate, an incentive, or other convincer that you can come up with to convert them. If you have extra PSAs, reassign some of them to your PSAs who demonstrate interest to you. This works very well.

However, simply reading this document may be all that your PSAs need to convince them to promote themselves to Executive Affiliate status.

You can either copy this document and send it to your PSAs, or you can refer them to the URL address of this SFI Discussion Board thread.
You'll find the document URL address in your browser address bar. Look there now. Copy and save it. You'll be able to send folks to it easily.

Keep on with this process. Advise your EAs to also keep on with this process. They will follow you and use this process... because it works!
They will become Team Leaders like you, in profit, will remain active Team Leaders, and you each definitely WILL make BIG money with SFI.
Take any, or all, of these actions, and you're well on your way to becoming a wealthy and respected Team Leader, one who SFI values highly.

Provided, of course, that you and your PSAs do what it takes to rise to leadership in SFI to ultimately get all the rewards that SFI gives you.

HINT #1:
It's better to build deep instead of wide so that you produce the highest possible income. This means that the Team Leaders on your team need to produce Team Leaders just like you're producing Team Leaders, following your example, building deep.

If all you and they do is produce EAs, in other words building wide, you and your EAs will not make as much money.

HINT #2:
Produce as many EAs every month as you can! This is vitally important! Be sure to stress its value to all your EAs.
You each will make the most money possible with SFI, because SFI pays you double when you sponsor more than one EA in any one month.

HINT #3:
Don't sit back and do nothing. That guarantees you WON'T make money! Set goals. Be active. Do something every day to reach your goals!
What you have with SFI is a business, not a job! You're the Boss! You make the decisions! You, and only you, get it done!
As Gery Carson, President and Founder of SFI says, "IF IT IS TO BE, IT IS UP TO ME!"

And guess what - that's exactly how Gery got where he is today!
Follow his example, and mine, and you WILL profit with SFI!
DO THIS! It's how every leader in SFI has done it.

===>>> Here's more valuable information, and some very good advice from successful affiliates, that may be useful to you <<<===

How To Get Your First Affiliate And First Sale! (in 2 parts)

How To Be An Executive Affiliate (EA) And Get EA Upgrades

Some Thoughts On Goals... Enhanced

Retailing SFI's Product And Services - Learn To Earn

Begin your SFI Business here... Top 10 Threads for Getting Started quickly


Email me at or leave your comment here!!


P.S. Follow these links for my residual income, cash-producing recommendations:
My Home Page
Most Proven, Lucrative Home Business in 50 Years
Systems Don't Fail, PEOPLE Fail
6 Automated Income Streams in Just 24 Hours
Let me build your Squidoo lens quickly & cheaply!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Melissa,

    I love the EyeEarn program with SFI, and so do my kids!

    Alan Thomas
    Stay At Home Moms Business Opportunity
